Petrobras (PETR4) and 9 other stocks to invest in October, according to Planner – Money Times

petrobras shares

(Image: Kaype Abreu / Money Times)

Planner maintained the Petrobras (PETR4) in the recommended portfolio for October, although it made three changes to the composition, removing Carrefour (CRFB3), Mahle Metal Leve (LEVE3), Sanepar (SAPR11) to include Cyrela Realty (CYRE3), Sabesp (SBSP3) e Totvs (TOTS3).

“Despite the 8.5% drop last month, we maintain a constructive vision for Petrobras, a leader in deepwater exploration and production, operating with reduced costs and sustainable development of its operations,” said the broker.

Planner noted that it withdrew Carrefour after price volatility in the month, said it replaced Metal Leve with another share due to the greater discount and stated that Sanepar's exit aims to make profits.

The house's analysts said they saw Cyrela's ability to sustain solid results this year, although lower than in previous quarters, highlighted improvements in Sabesp's costs and expenses and highlighted Totvs' share price.

For them, investors' caution should prevail given the expectations regarding the macroeconomic scenario in the country, with a tendency for the Selic to rise again and attention to external factors, especially the scale of wars and the presidential election in the United States.

See Planner's recommendations for October

Companies Ticker
Azzas 2154 AZZA3
Copel CPLE6
Odontoprev ODPV3
Petrobras PETR4
Good Harvest SOJA3
Cyrela CYRE3
Sabesp SBSP3
Totvs TOTS3

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