How do I justify my absence from elections? – Money Times

2024 elections --

The first round of municipal elections takes place this Sunday (06). (Image: Getty Images Signature/ Canva Pro)

The first round of municipal elections takes place this Sunday (6). If it is not possible to be in the municipality to perform the duty neither in the first nor in the second shift, it will be necessary to justify the absence.

The deadline stipulated by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) for justification is December 5th for the first round and January 7th for the second. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine.

To justify, the voter has two options:

The TSE reminds you that it is not necessary to attach documents proving the reason for absence when the justification is presented on election day.

In the case of using the Electoral Justification Request (RJE), the body emphasizes that it is also necessary to present an official identification document with a photograph at the place of voting or receiving justifications. The RJE form must be filled out with the electoral registration number (CPF not accepted).

The rule states that absence from three consecutive elections — each round is considered an election — without paying a fine or providing a justification will result in cancellation of registration. Voters can justify their absence from elections as many times as necessary.


How to pay the fine?

After the deadline stipulated by the TSE for justification, the voter must pay a fine of R$3.51 per election.

To consult debts with the Electoral Court and pay off debts, citizens must access the siteenter your personal information and select “Issue GRU” to pay the debt with a bank slip or “Pay” to pay off by making a transfer via Pix or credit card.

“When filling out the service form, the data entered must coincide with that contained in the electoral register. If the system does not recognize the data entered, you must contact electoral zone responsible for the title for clarification”, explains the official TSE website.

It is worth remembering that the bill (GRU) with a value of less than R$50.00 must be paid exclusively at Banco do Brasil.

In the case of payment via Pix or credit card, payment is made via PagTesouro, a digital platform for collecting amounts from the National Treasury Single Account managed by the National Treasury Secretariat.

After making the payment, you will need to wait for the Electoral Court to register the payment of the debt on your title. The electoral situation will be regular regarding the debt paid only after this registration in the electoral register.

*With information from the Superior Electoral Court (TSE)

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