Biodiesel producer issues R$200 million in CRAs and debuts on the capital market – Money Times

be8 diesel

(Image: REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci)

The producer of biodiesel Be8 closed its first issue of securities on the capital market, via the Agribusiness Receivables Certificate (CRA), for a total value of 200 million reais, the company reported this Tuesday (01).

“This was the company's first operation and its debut in the capital market, opening up new financing possibilities”, highlighted the Financial Vice President of Be8, Tulio Abi-Saber, in a note.

The term for repaying the credit is seven years. The broadcast was made in two series.

The issue is backed by Agribusiness Credit Rights issued by Eco Securitizadora de Direito Creditórios do Agronegócio SA, coordinated by Banco Bradesco BBI SA and BB-Banco de Investimento SA.

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