Bank offers product with daily liquidity – Money Times

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The product has daily liquidity for customers, including weekends. (Image: Getty Images)

In celebration of his birthday, the Banco BV launched, last Thursday (26), CBDs exclusives with yield of up to 136% of the CDI (Interbank Deposit Certificate) and with daily liquidity for in-app customers.

“Our goal is to be close to the customer and whenever possible, anticipate solutions and offers that make sense to their needs.”, says Daniel Monteiro, director of Insurance, Cards and Accounts at Banco BV.

The product is available on the platform until December this year, or until the available funding is exhausted, has a maximum investment of up to R$50 thousand, has a maturity of up to 6 months and daily liquidity, including on weekends.

The available CDB options are: post-fixed with immediate liquidity (redemption whenever you want), or in the security with progressive profitability and daily liquidity. Yields range from 100% to 136% of the CDI.

It is worth remembering that this type of investment is eligible for the guarantee offered by the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC).

“CDBs are excellent gateways for those looking for a more profitable product than savings. These are safe investments, with daily liquidity, very low risk and with more flexible redemption options. Another great advantage and a differentiator of BV is the possibility of redeeming even on weekends”, explains Monteiro.

The bank explains that to access investments and redemptions it is necessary to access the bank's application and search in the specific area for this type of application.

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